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Begin your Coffee by the Roast coffee exploration. Coffees by categories: Single Origins, Signature Blends & Specialty Flavors, customized coffees. Select coffees by group buttons or individual coffees in drop-down menus. Roaster Gold featured coffees, specials & more!
Roaster Gold Coffees
Elegant. Decadent. Rare. Coffees for those who seek the extraordinary.
4th Wave Coffee
Fourth Wave Coffee is all about the coffee drinker. Instead of the roaster determining which flavors to highlight, Fourth Wave Coffee highlights the flavor preferences of the coffee drinker.
Single Origin
Coffee by Place: A world tour of coffees from over 20 countries, featuring nearly 40 different regions, estates, co-ops, and certifications. Whether you prefer bold Indonesian, lively African or sweet, rich American coffee, this page is for you!
Signature blends
Coffee by Taste: Coffees from around the world blended together for the best possible flavor, season-to-season, year-to-year. Enjoy one of our monthly specials or try a Taste in Time and sample coffees from times and places throughout history.
Specialty flavor
Coffee by Creation: Where we make coffee even more special. Whether you seek your own, custom blend, or a better version of an old favorite, here's where you find custom coffee, flavored coffee, coffee flights, gifts and more!
Exclusively from Coffee by the Roast™ -- Retail pouches of our 100% Arabica, specialty grade coffee. Each pouch starts with 600 grams of raw, unroasted, green coffee. You pick the coffee. You pick the roast level. Our small batch roasters minimize waste and maximize quality to give you the best coffee for the best possible price.
Coffee by the Roast’s Custom Coffees
Let our coffee flavor experts create the perfect coffee for you!
Coffee by the Roast's Coffee of the Month
A lively, balanced coffee, sweet and smooth with lively citrus topnotes and a lingering buttery finish. Bright enough for breakfast, smooth enough to drink all day...or mix with whiskey for a memorable Irish Coffee.
Roast Level: Full City
Coffee by the Roast’s Exploration Coffee
Travel the coffee growing world with us each month and enjoy a half roast of a different coffee at our favorite roast level.
March’s Exploration Coffee is Ecuador La Josefina. Our first Roaster Gold to be made available as a ½ roast Exploration Coffee! An anaerobic, single estate, micro-lot coffee from the Cayambe-Coca Natural Reserve of Ecuador, high in the Andes Mountains. This delicious treat is sweet and smooth, with rich chocolate notes balanced with a hint of sweet spice. Smooth enough to drink black, but try it with a drop of cream to bring out the sweetness.
Suggested Roast Level: Full City Roast Level
Some of our customers have reached out to us with a coffee-related problem. They find themselves drinking more coffee while they work at home (or care for home bound school age children), and are getting seriously jittery by late afternoon. They’ve asked if there’s a good decaf to switch to for afternoon drinking. Introducing Decaf Cozy Coffee.
A no-stress, organically certified, decaffeinated coffee. Sweet and rich with gentle herbal topnotes balanced by chocolate sweetness and lingering richness. A soothing decaf for those who love full-flavored coffee but hate the jitters.
Roast Level: City
We only buy decaf coffee that has been decaffeinated using a water process, and we only buy decaf beans that brew into coffee that tastes like coffee, so while any of our decafs would be a good choice, we created a special decaf coffee for those stuck at home. If you’re looking for a soothing decaf to ease the challenges of home everything, try Decaf Cozy Coffee.
Coffee by the Club (Our Coffee Subscriptions)
Coffee by the Name (The List, the whole List, all together.)
Brazil. A single estate microlot jewel from the highlands of Brazil. Naturally processed, Yellow Bourbon, heavy-bodied, creamy and sweet.
Suggested Roast Level: Full City