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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.


Coffee Contrast Pair Club: Year Long


Coffee Contrast Pair Club: Year Long

Sale Price:$54.99 every month for 1 year Original Price:$65.78 every month for 1 year

Great coffee all year round. A pair a month. One order, twenty-four roasts. No Hassle!

Subscribe and get two full roast pouches, our Coffee of the Month and a contrasting coffee, delivered each month. Pair changes every month, with the new Coffee of the Month and its unique contrasting coffee!


Subscriptions begin in the month of initial sign-up with the current Coffee of the Month and its contrasting coffee. Recurring orders follow the Coffee of the Month calendar.

List of Coffees of the Month: January’s Midwinter’s Brew, February’s Midnight Treat, March’s Morning Mist, April’s Cloudburst Blend, May’s Springtime Twist, June’s Cotton Candy, July’s Summer Ice, August’s Sea Salt Breeze, September’s Easy Sunrise, October’s Black Magic, November’s Harvest Roast, December’s Holiday Spice.

Subscriptions renew automatically each month on the day of initial sign-up.* Orders continue for the twelve month length of the subscription, delivering monthly orders of fresh coffee without the hassle of reordering. Subscriptions can be monitored and modified inside customer accounts.

Makes a great gift! Give a subscription for a fantastic gift that just keeps coming.

** Want your coffee ground? Leave a note in the box for Additional Instructions at check-out. Tell us your brewing method (French Press, home drip machine, cone-shaped pour-over, etc.), and we'll grind your beans for the perfect cup.**

Each roast = 600 grams green coffee. You'll receive approx. 18 oz. of roasted beans. Brews about 33 full (9 oz.) cups of coffee.

*Subscriptions’ automatic, recurring orders do not qualify for the newsletter’s monthly promotion.