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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

Welcome to

Welcome to Coffee by the Roast

We are a high quality roast-to-order coffee company in business for nearly twenty years that sells over 100 of the best award-winning coffees and blends from more than 30 countries. You order a type of coffee you want, we roast it within 24 hours, and ship it to your door. We have a life-long passion sourcing, blending, and roasting delicious coffees and now want to share it with every person with a US address.

Our Coffee Story

Our coffee adventure started in 1972 when Paul got a job with a local coffee shop/roastery. We discovered we loved fresh coffee and Paul made a point to learn as much as he could about selecting and roasting green coffee beans.

Carrie with Peggy (cow-spotted fur) in the kitchen.

Carrie with Peggy (cow-spotted fur) in the kitchen.

We went to college together and worked various jobs, including managing a coffee house. After college, Paul worked first as a software engineer and project manager and then earned his MBA from the University of Chicago. His career allowed me to stay home with our growing family. In addition to raising four children, we hosted a parade of pets, including hamsters, bunnies, degus and the world's chubbiest hermit crab. And we always had a dog. Between walks and games and keeping everybody fed, I managed to find a few moments to indulge in one of my favorite pastimes, writing stories. It was a crazy, busy, constantly changing time, but one thing that never changed was our love for coffee.

Paul with Sue (white fur) and Dusty (black fur) at the kitchen table.

Paul with Sue (white fur) and Dusty (black fur) at the kitchen table.

Paul worked more than a decade in management consulting and operations design, but his career often took him away from home. Tired of his traveling, we decided to work together again and with our children's help returned to the coffee business.

We took our early experiences working with coffee, applied the business principles Paul used as a consultant and added my love of writing to create a business offering 4th Wave Coffee, coffee that's fresh and custom roasted to provide the perfect cup for every coffee lover. We opened Coffee Fresh Incorporated in 2003 and moved online in 2009 with Now we get to share our love of coffee with you.

Welcome to 4th Wave Coffee

Fourth Wave Coffee focusses on bringing out the different flavors and nuances inherent in coffee beans from different origins. This attention to flavor extends to blends, where the highest quality beans are mixed together to bring out a specific flavor profile. Unique to this emerging coffee wave, Fourth Wave Coffee is all about the coffee drinker. Instead of the roaster determining which flavors to highlight, Fourth Wave Coffee seeks to highlight the flavor preferences of the coffee drinker.

Here at Coffee by the Roast, you can find coffee from all four waves. Our Mokha Java 1790 replicates one of the early First Wave coffees. You can order by the roast level for Second Wave coffee. For Third Wave Coffee, try the Exploration Coffee, or order any of our single origin coffees at the Roaster’s Choice roast level.

Our hearts, though, are in the Fourth Wave. We love to help customers find the coffee they love best.

As a first order, we recommend our Welcome Coffee, a pair of selected 1/2 roasts of our coffee that contrast in flavor. By tasting each, you can start to explore which coffee flavors you like and begin the journey towards your favorite cup of coffee.

We're happy to meet you!  

-Paul and Carrie (Coffee Sommeliers with 45 years experience and founders of

March’s Welcome Coffee Pair

Welcome Coffee: March’s Morning Mist: lively, balanced coffee, sweet and smooth with lively citrus topnotes and a lingering buttery finish. Bright enough for breakfast, smooth enough to drink all day...or mix with whiskey for a memorable Irish Coffee. Roast Level: Full City

Contrasting Coffee: Ecuador La Josefina. Our first Roaster Gold to be made available as a ½ roast! An anaerobic, single estate, micro-lot coffee from the Cayambe-Coca Natural Reserve of Ecuador, high in the Andes Mountains. This delicious treat is sweet and smooth, with rich chocolate notes balanced with a hint of sweet spice. Smooth enough to drink black, but try it with a drop of cream to bring out the sweetness. Suggested Roast Level: Full City

Welcome Coffee
Sale Price: $29.99 Original Price: $32.48

Each 1/2 roast = 300 grams green coffee. You'll receive approximately 9 oz. of roasted beans.

When brewed, that's about 17 full (9 oz.) cups of coffee.