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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

From Coffee to Spooky...It's October!

Coffee by the Blog

Coffee by the Roast newsletters, announcements and coming attractions.  New Varieties of Coffee. New Brewing Methods. Recipes. Here's where you find out what Coffee by the Roast is up to.


From Coffee to Spooky...It's October!

Carrie Masek

October is a great month. The weather is crisp, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and the month ends with Halloween fun. October is also a time of harvest and abundance. What a great month for one of our favorite Coffees of the Month, Black Magic!

A sinfully delicious dark roasted coffee that is sweet, bold and complex, Black Magic is a bold way to start the day and a great coffee to enjoy with Halloween treats. Black Magic will be available in both full and 1/2 roast bags all month.

Our Exploration Coffee for October is El Salvador Chalate. This rich and sweet Central American treat is both a Microlot and a Roaster Gold select coffee! Lively, sweet and surprisingly complex, this microlot coffee from Finca Buena Vista features cocoa and macadamia nut notes brightened by a splash of grapefruit and perfumed with the spicy citrus and floral notes of cascade hops. Add a lingering cocoa butter finish for a coffee that's outstanding black or add cream for an even richer, sweeter cup. El Salvador Chalate is a wonderful contrast to Black Magic and is available all month in both full and 1/2 roast bags.

We also have a new Peruvian coffee: Organic Peru La Florida. This amazing organic certified, co-op grown coffee is from high on the Andes Mountains and has a creamy flavor with pecan richness, vanilla sweetness and a hint of dark chocolate. As warm & cozy as alpaca at a dark roast, bright as new mountain snow at a light roast, this versatile coffee is simply delicious at any roast level you choose.

And a note about the upcoming long weekend: Monday, October 11th is Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Columbus Day). We (and the post office) will be closed on Monday. All orders placed over the long weekend will be received and roasted Tuesday, October 12th.

Our favorite Halloween treat is great coffee. What’s yours? Are you nostalgic for Bit-O-Honey and caramel apples, or do you head straight for the pumpkin spice? Please share your thoughts on the Facebook thread or in a comment on this blog. Or, if you'd like to share your opinions with the wider world, leave us a coffee review on Google or on your favorite review site. Not only do we value your opinions, but reviews help more people find us. Help us connect coffee lovers to fresh, quality coffee!


Finally, to thank the readers of this blog, we’re offering a free 1/2 roast of coffee with your first order of the month. Just write, “October,” in the box for additional Instructions, and we’ll add a 1/2 roast bag of Black Magic to your order at no extra charge. Sharing coffee is our favorite way to enjoy our favorite season!

We wish all our customers continued good health during these challenging times.

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast