New 1/2 Roast Options
Carrie Masek
Curious about our coffee? Intrigued but cautious? If a full roast bag, 18 ounces, is too much to start with, we now offer three different ways to order 9 ounce bags of coffee.
Current Coffee of the Month: Try 9 ounces (a 1/2 roast bag) of our current Coffee of the Month. This month it's Harvest Blend, a bold, rich and satisfying blend of American coffees perfect for Thanksgiving dinner and pumpkin pie. Roast Level: Full City
Monthly 1/2 roast Special: Every month we'll choose a coffee we particularly enjoy. It might a new crop coffee, or a seasonal favorite. This month, we chose the new crop Organic Dragon Ngura, a sweet, complex coffee with a malted barley aroma, smooth, silky texture and Bakers chocolate and toasted caramel richness. Roast Level: Full City
Sampler Pack: Let our roaster choose three different coffees for you to try. Packed in 9 ounce (1/2 roast) bags, a Sampler Pack is a great introduction to how delicious and interesting coffee can be!