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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

It's Summertime and July is a month to celebrate!

Coffee by the Blog

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It's Summertime and July is a month to celebrate!

Carrie Masek

Summer is in full swing and Sunday is Independence Day. Now one of two federal holidays celebrating freedom and change, the 4th of July, along with Juneteenth, is something to celebrate.

Flags? Check.

Fireworks? Check.

Coffee? Don’t forget the coffee! Whether it's a steaming cup before the parade, an iced coffee drink during a picnic, or a cup of decaf with the fireworks display on your front lawn, the 4th of July is a great time for coffee. That’s why we’re featuring coffees this month that are not only good brewed hot, but are fantastic brewed cold.

The Coffee of the Month for July is the smooth, rich and creamy Summer Ice. Brew it hot to enjoy gentle tangerine topnotes balanced by cherry sweetness and a rich cocoa finish. Or make a batch of Cold Brew for a low acid coffee that’s richer and sweeter with a full body and smooth mouthfeel. Summer Ice will be available all month in both Full and 1/2 roast bags.

The Exploration Coffee for July is Costa Rica Monte Crisol, a lively, sweet and smooth coffee with citrusy floral and berry notes balanced by lingering cocoa richness. Roasted to a City roast level to heighten floral citrus and berry brightness, that's great over ice…or ice cream! Available in Full and 1/2 roast bags through the month of July.

A quick note about our updated Half Roast Sampler Pack. In order to keep the price of the sampler down and ensure a well rounded selection of coffees to sample, the half roast trio is now our current Coffee of the Month, our current Exploration Coffee, and a coffee specially selected by the roaster to round out the group.

And it took a while, but new crop Ecuador is finally here. Ecuador Maputo is smooth, silky and incredibly balanced. Sweet and rich, its candied apricot and plum sweetness melds with chocolate richness to make a coffee that's a joy to sip. Such a joy, it’s a Roaster Gold coffee. Try it at a City roast to heighten lively fruit notes, or choose a Vienna roast for a memorable Cold Brew.

If you enjoy iced coffee, especially in the hot summer months, try making your own Cold Brew. All you need is coarse ground coffee, a container to steep it in and some time. Here's a link to our blog on how to make Cold Brew. The blog contains all you need to know to brew great Cold Brew at home as well as a couple of recommendations for other coffees that brew well cold.

And if you like to stay extra hydrated in the summer heat with a variety of beverages, we still have cases of Mighty Leaf Ice Tea available in Classic Black as well as cases of Mighty Leaf Whole Leaf Tea bags, which make great, no-fuss sun tea, available in nine varieties of black, green and herbal teas! One or two bags of the whole leaf tea in a mason jar of water left in the sunshine for a couple hours makes a lovely single or double serving of sun tea, without the need to strain the tea after steeping.

Finally, to thank the readers of this blog, we’re offering a FREE 1/2 roast of coffee with your first order of the month. Just write, “July” in the box for Additional Instructions, and we’ll include a 1/2 roast bag of Summer Ice at no extra charge. Sharing coffee is our favorite way to celebrate our country’s Independence Day!

Are you doing anything special to celebrate this year’s 4th of July? Parades, block parties, barbecues, bands or fireworks? If so, we’d love to hear about it! Please join the conversation and share your thoughts on the Facebook thread or in a comment on this blog. Or, if you'd like to share your opinions with the wider world, leave us a coffee review on Google or on your favorite review site. Not only do we value your opinions, but reviews help more people find us. Help us connect coffee lovers to fresh, quality coffee!


We wish all our customers a joyous Independence Day and a happy, healthy summer.

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast