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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

Covid-19 Update (and a note about slower mail)

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Covid-19 Update (and a note about slower mail)

Carrie Masek

All of us here at Coffee by the Roast are healthy and being careful to stay that way. We will continue to custom roast coffee and ship it fresh to our customers’ doors as long as our health and the law permits.

We are running under-staffed. Not for health reasons, but because some of our team need to stay home with small children. We’re running a little slow as a result, but so far, all orders we receive before noon (Monday-Friday) have been roasted and mailed that same day. Usually, our customers receive their coffee 2-3 days after we mail it, but the USPS is beginning to slow down as it continues to deliver the mail during this pandemic. Some of our customers have let us know that their coffee took longer than normal to arrive. For one, it took a whole week.

This update is not meant to complain about the US Postal Service. It’s an amazing organization. Anyone who's lived overseas can appreciate how rare it is for mail to travel as quickly and reliably as it does here in the US. Even with stay-at-home orders and necessary changes to provide social distancing for postal employees, the USPS is still more reliable than any other delivery service we do business with. The other delivery services are struggling, too. In the last few weeks, we’ve suffered delayed pick-ups and website crashes. In one case, a package coming to us disappeared completely. We’ve mailed our coffee for 17 years, and in that time, the USPS delivered all but one box.

Unfortunately, mail delivery does sometimes slow down. Right now, we’re seeing packages take as long as they would during the height of the holiday season. Please keep this in mind and allow extra time for your coffee to arrive. Thanks!

We wish all our customers good health and calm in this anxious time.

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast