Single Origins
Single Origin Coffees
Coffee by Place: A world tour of coffees from over 20 countries, featuring nearly 40 different regions, estates, co-ops, and certifications. Whether you prefer bold Indonesian, lively African or sweet, rich American coffee, this page is for you!
Colombia Cauca Women's Cooperative
Colombia Cauca Women's Cooperative
Colombia. Origin of the traditional American cup of Joe. From the Cauca region of Colombia, a lively, sweet and balanced coffee with cocoa richness, praline sweetness and fresh fruit flavors balanced by tart citric acidity and candy-like sweetness.
Roaster's Choice: Full City
Suggested Roast Level: City to highlight lively topnotes, Full City to maximize balanced richness, or take it darker for a sweeter, bolder cup.
(1 roast = 600 grams green coffee. Roasted weight approximately 18 oz.)