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February is here! Wake Up Some Groundhogs With Coffee!

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February is here! Wake Up Some Groundhogs With Coffee!

Carrie Masek

Grumpy groundhogs, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras parties and celebrations to recognize the contributions people of African descent have made to this country: that's a lot of excitement for a month that’s only twenty-eight days long. Whether you want to wake up your favorite "groundhog" with a morning cup, savor a Cafe au Lait, or share coffee and chocolate with your Valentine, we have the coffee for you!

For a bold cup, perfect for waking up grumpy “groundhogs,” or blending with steamed milk for a Mardi Gras Cafe au Lait, try Midnight Treat, our Coffee of the Month for February. Rich, bold and complex, Midnight Treat is a smooth, heavy bodied blend that gets any day off to a bold start. Available all month in both full and 1/2 roast pouches .

For those who prefer an amazing Organic Coffee our Exploration Coffee for February is Organic Uganda Sipi Falls A gentle, sweet and lively African, this organic and Rainforest Alliance certified coffee features a medium body with a sweet floral aroma, zesty orange topnotes and cocoa richness. Roaster's Choice: City

For those seeking the best of the best in coffee we recommend the new Ethiopia Natural Guji Wush Wush. It is a “practically perfect” naturally processed, full-bodied coffee, smooth and balanced, with a silky mouthfeel, floral aroma and lively Sangria topnotes balanced by intense fruit flavors, chocolate richness and a lingering sweet finish. Wush Wush is a rare, low yield coffee varietal that has been featured on Coffee Review's Top Coffees of the Year. The Roaster's Choice roast level is: City (for those who like very light roasted coffee, this would also take a Cinnamon roast well.

During the season of Mardi Gras, we also want to highlight one of our favorite coffees, New Orleans Roast 1803. New Orleans is justifiably famous for its coffee, and we did a little research into New Orleans’ coffee culture. The first coffee vendor at the French Market was a woman named Rose Nicaud. She was of African descent and a former slave. She also started New Orleans’ unique approach to coffee.

New Orleans Roast 1803 was inspired by the kind of coffee she roasted, ground and served. New Orleans is now known for very dark roasted coffee (often blended with chicory). Midnight Treat is a good example of this type of coffee, but we’ve always preferred our New Orleans-inspired blend roasted light. We discovered that Rose’s coffee was described as a “pile of golden powder.” That’s exactly what you’d expect with a very light roasted coffee. She prepared her coffee as a pour-over, and from what we learned about her technique and people’s reaction to her coffee, served a cup that would meet the today’s highest standard.

If you’d like to taste a coffee similar to the one Rose served, consider trying our New Orleans Roast 1803. Ask for it light. Our Roaster’s Choice level is City, but Rose probably roasted it even lighter, to a Cinnamon roast level. Roasted that light, the coffee will brew up with a lively fruit flavor and a brighter, more assertive spice note. To order the coffee the way Rose roasted it, choose “Roaster’s Choice” for roast level and write “Cinnamon” in the box for Additional Instruction before you finalize your order. We’ll do the rest!

Do you have any special plans for this short, but busy month? If so, please join the conversation and share your thoughts on the Facebook thread or in a comment on this blog. Or, if you'd like to share your opinions with the wider world, leave us a coffee review on Google or on your favorite review site. Not only do we value your opinions, but reviews help more people find us. Help us connect coffee lovers to fresh, quality coffee!

And finally, to thank the readers of this blog, we’re offering a free 1/2 roast of Midnight Treat with your first order of the month of at least two full roasts. Just write, “February,” in the box for Additional Instructions and we’ll throw in the 1/2 roast pouch at no extra charge.

We wish all our customers continued good health and some February fun.

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast

If you’re interested in learning more about Rose Nicaud or New Orleans’ coffee culture, here are a couple of links about them!