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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

A valentine for you!

Coffee by the Blog

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A valentine for you!

Carrie Masek

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today’s coffee valentine is for all our customers, the folks that make Coffee by the Roast possible.

Our day starts out with your request.

Your choice of coffee is the best.

We love how much you value taste,

So roasters on, we work with haste.

Coffee beans roll round and round,

We love the smell! We love the sound!

Our bank of roasters dance all day,

To make fresh coffee just your way.

One roast or two, or many more,

We'll roast and ship right to your door.

And every bag we seal for you,

Comes with appreciation, too.

To show our appreciation this Valentine’s Day, we’ve created Sweetheart Treat, a special coffee for our very special customers. A blend of sweet, smooth and rich coffees (hint, one of them is Kona), Sweetheart Treat features a lovely floral aroma and candy sweetness, with chocolate and caramel richness. Sweetheart Treat will be available on our website from today, Valentine’s Day, through Monday, February 18.

Sharing great coffee is our favorite way to say, “Thanks!”

And thanks for reading today's Valentine. There’s still time to join the conversation and send a valentine to your favorite Coffee by the Roast coffee by leaving a response in the Facebook thread or a comment on this blog. Or, if you'd like to send your valentines to the wider world of coffee lovers, leave us a coffee review on Google or on your favorite review site. Not only do we value your opinions, but reviews help more people find us. Help us connect coffee lovers to fresh, quality coffee and spread the love of coffee this February!

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast