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Bright Dessert/Energy Balls (a healthy Thanksgiving treat)

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Bright Dessert/Energy Balls (a healthy Thanksgiving treat)

Carrie Masek

Thanksgiving is coming up fast, and if you’re like me, you’re already starting to cook. Years ago, our family started Thanksgiving preparations by making the pies, pumpkin and pecan for sure and sometimes an additional cherry or apple pie, just for fun. So many pies!

Making the pies was a family affair. Our kids loved to help roll the crusts, and they were always in charge of making the “Tootsie Rolls”. Not the chewy chocolate candy kind, but the leftover bits of pastry rolled with butter, cinnamon and sugar kind. The smell of baking was amazing.

These days, we’re all trying to stay away from too much flour and sugar. Luckily, Catie has been working on some Thanksgiving inspired desserts that capture much of the flavor and fun of pie, with none of the gluten or refined sugar. If you and your family enjoy nuts, these are a great option. Best of all, your kids can help make them!

Bright Dessert/Energy Balls (a 3-step, 3-in-1 recipe: Bright Pecan Pie Balls; Cashew Cranberry Buzz Balls; Nut Latte Balls)

(Raw, Vegan, Refined-sugar free, contains Nuts)

Ingredients (by variant): Base recipes below make 4 balls, scales up for large batches very easily (see below).

Bright Pecan Pie Balls: 1/4 c Pecans

2 pitted Dates

1/4-1/2 tsp ground Espresso*

1/4 tsp Vanilla extract (optional)

Cashew Cranberry Buzz Balls: 1/4 c un-roasted Cashews

2 T dried Cranberries (unsweetened if possible)

1/4-1/2 tsp ground Espresso*

1/4 tsp Vanilla extract (optional)

Nut Latte Balls: 1/4 c Cashews, Almonds or Hazelnuts (un-roasted/raw)

2 pitted Dates

1/4-1/2 tsp ground Espresso*

1/4 tsp Vanilla extract (optional)

* (amount of Espresso varies to taste, 1/4 tsp is a subtler blender of and complexity addition to the fruit-nut flavor, 1/2 tsp has a pronounced coffee flavor, like having your after-dinner coffee inside your dessert. If you are making these with children in mind and don’t want the caffeine, Decaf Espresso or other strong decaf coffee works well, too.)

Steps: 1. Put all ingredients (of variant of choice) into a food processor. Blend the ingredients together on high blend setting or steady pulses until the nuts and fruit are small and crumbly, less than a minute for the single serving, depending on strength of processor. (Do not over blend, or the oil will leach out and the mix will become slimy).

2. Safely remove the processor's blade and scoop the mix by the loose, rounded T into the palm of your hand. Mold/press the loose mixture into balls, which become about rounded tsp size.

3. Serve on a plate or platter for mid-meal treats or as additions or alternatives to dessert (great to platter up for a Thanksgiving party!).

Notes: Can be stored in an air tight container and made in advance, and stores well in the fridge. Great to make with kids, as long as an adult handles the processor and its blade. Can use other raw nuts of preference, almonds or hazelnuts in the latte balls are both delicious, but processing/pulsing time may vary between different nuts. Blending time will also increase with increased batch size.

Quick up-scaled ratios:

Makes about 16 balls: 1 cup nuts, 8 dates or 1/2 cup dried cranberries, 1-2 tsp ground Espresso, 1 tsp Vanilla

Makes about 24 balls: 1 1/2 cups nuts, 12 dates or 3/4 cup dried cranberries, 1 1/2 - 3 tsp ground Espresso, 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla

Makes about 32 balls: 2 cups nuts, 16 dates or 1 cup dried cranberries, 2-4 tsp ground Espresso, 2 tsp Vanilla

Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving dessert? Please join the conversation and share your recipe on the Facebook thread or in a comment on this blog. Or, if you'd like to share your opinions with the wider world, leave us a coffee review on Google or on your favorite review site. Not only do we value your opinions, but reviews help more people find us. Help us connect coffee lovers to fresh, quality coffee!

~ Carrie, Paul and all of us at Coffee by the Roast

If you would like any of our pie recipes or our recipe for “Tootsie Rolls,” please just ask. We’re happy to share!