'Tis the Season for Indonesian...
Carrie Masek
Bold, rich and complex, new crop Indonesian coffees are beginning to roll in. Check out our New Arrivals page to see the newest coffees of the "Indonesian Season."
Organic Dragon: Our name for Organic Flores Bajawa Ngura RFA: A naturally processed, Rain Forest Alliance certified, organic coffee from the land of Komodo dragons. A sweet, complex coffee with a malted barley aroma, smooth, silky texture and Bakers chocolate and toasted caramel richness.
Organic Java Taman Dadar: The original Indonesian coffee. A naturally processed, organically certified coffee with a rich, heavy body and Bakers chocolate flavor.
New Guinea Kimel A: One of our favorite Indonesian coffees. Grown from cuttings from Jamaica. Lively and sweet, like Jamaica Blue Mountain, with the full body of an Indonesian.
Sulawesi Toraja: A naturally processed, full-bodied coffee with an intense aroma and complex flavor. Bakers chocolate, sweet herbs and a hint of citric acidity.
Sumatra Mandheling: A very smooth, heavy-bodied coffee with an intense, earthy flavor spiced by a hint of black licorice.
Try a roast or two today and see why we love the coffees of Indonesia!