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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

Coffee by the Blog

Coffee by the Roast newsletters, announcements and coming attractions.  New Varieties of Coffee. New Brewing Methods. Recipes. Here's where you find out what Coffee by the Roast is up to.


Mother's, Memorial, and May Day Coffee!

Carrie Masek

Flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer, but spring mornings are still chilly enough for a good, hot cup of coffee. All of us here at Coffee by the Roast are excited for sipping a nice warm mug with the family at Mother's Day brunch and making cold brew coffee for those hot afternoons we know are coming maybe by Memorial Day’s picnic. Whether your weather is hot or cold, May is a great month for coffee.

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Easter Bunnies Need Coffee Too! Happy April!

Carrie Masek

Happy April Fools Day! April is one of our favorite months. It starts with jokes and gray, chilly days and ends with flowers and the promise of Spring. As a family with a long tradition of bunnies hopping into our heart, we also know the Easter Bunny needs some good coffee to keep on hopping!

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Spring into March with Coffee!

Carrie Masek

Spring is coming soon! This month is packed with events: Daylight Savings, St. Patrick's Day and our absolute favorite holiday- Pi Day! If you're like us, you'll want some great coffee with that pie and also to warm up any remaining chilly mornings. Here are some great options for you to try! :D

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