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2321 Davis St., Unit C
North Chicago, IL


Coffee by the Roast: fresh roasted, small batch, specialty grade coffee. Online. Roasted-to-order, custom coffee ships within 24 hours to any US address. Find your favorite specialty grade coffee or create your own coffee. Buy coffee online and get fresh, custom coffee delivered to your door.

All Coffees

Taste the Difference. Coffee by the Roast™ customizes retail pouches of 100% Arabica, specialty grade coffee. Pick the coffee & roast level. 600 grams of raw, green beans are roasted to order in small batch roasters & shipped. Get the best, freshest coffee, your way, conveniently delivered.

Organic Bali Kintamani Coffee
Organic Bali Kintamani
Brazil Conesol Farm Select, Roaster Gold (Copy)
Brazil Cachoeira da Gama
Organic Brazil Minas Gerais Coffee
Organic Brazil Minas Gerais
sold out
Brazil Serra Negra Coffee
Brazil Serra Negra
Colombia Cauca Women's Cooperative
Colombia Gran Galope
Colombia Huila Geisha, Roaster Gold, Geisha coffee gesha coffee fresh roasted coffee chicago illinois online fresh coffee
Colombia Huila Geisha
Costa Rica Cafe Vida Coffee
Costa Rica Cafe Frog
Ecuador La Josefina Roaster Gold Microlot Coffeefresh Coffeebytheroast
Ecuador La Josefina
El Salvador Chalete Roaster Gold Coffee
El Salvador Chalate Geisha
Ethiopia Harrar
Ethiopia Wush Wush Roaster Gold
Ethiopia Natural Guji Wush Wush
Organic Ethiopia Natural Lake Abaya coffee
Ethiopia Natural Lake Abaya
Ethiopia Natural Limu
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Lake Abaya
Organic Dragon
Guatemala Waykan Coffee
Guatemala Waykan
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee
Jamaica Blue Mountain
Organic Java Dadar Coffee
Organic Java Dadar
Kenya AA Kiambu
Kona Pahala Roaster Gold Coffee
Kona Pahala
Mexico Rancho Bonito
Organic Mexico El Triunfo.jpg
Organic Mexico El Triunfo
Mexico Veracruz Geisha Gesha Coffeebytheroast roaster gold fresh roasted coffee chicago illinois online fresh coffee
Mexico Veracruz Geisha
Organic Nicaragua Segovia cropped.jpg
Organic Nicaragua Segovia
Panama Boquete Coffee
Panama Boquete
Papua New Guinea Waghi Valley Coffee (Copy) (Copy)
Papua New Guinea Waghi Valley
Peru Cajamarca
Sulawesi Toraja
Sumatra Harimau Tiger Coffee
Sumatra Harimau Tiger
Organic Sumatra Ketiara Women Coffee Producers 12 13 24 cropped.jpg
Organic Sumatra Ketiara Women Coffee Producers
Tanzania AA Mbilidino
Organic Timor Peace Coffee
Organic Uganda Sipi Falls
Decaf Brazil Serra Negra Coffee
Decaf Brazil Mogiana
Decaf Colombia Coffee
Decaf Colombia
Decaf Cozy Coffee
Decaf Cozy Coffee
Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo
Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo
Decaf Mexico Crystal
Decaf Mexico
Decaf Organic Mexico El Truinfo
Decaf Organic Mexico El Triunfo
Decaf Organic Peru
Decaf Organic Peru
Decaf Sumatra Mandehling Coffee
Decaf Sumatra Mandehling
Espresso Kyoto 2010 Coffee
Espresso Kyoto 2010
Espresso Milano 1906 Coffee
Espresso Milano 1906
Espresso Pacifico 1985 Coffee
Espresso Pacifico 1985
Espresso Trieste 1948 Coffee
Espresso Trieste 1948
Café Mokha Java 2000 Coffee Blend
Café Mokha Java 2000
Chicago Cup 1925 Coffee Blend
Chicago Cup 1925
Cowboy Coffee 1870 Coffee Blend
Cowboy Coffee 1870
Ile De France 1700 Coffee Blend
Ile De France 1700
Kona Coffee 1967 Coffee Blend
Kona Coffee 1967
Mokha Java 1790 Coffee Blend
Mokha Java 1790
New Orleans Roast 1803 Coffee Blend
New Orleans Roast 1803
On the Road Buzz 1975 Coffee Blend
On the Road Buzz 1975
San Francisco Foglifter 1950 Coffee Blend
San Francisco Foglifter 1950
WWI Roast 1917 Coffee Blend
WWI Roast 1917
Midwinter's Brew : January
Midnight Treat : February Coffee of the Month
Midnight Treat : February
Morning Mist : March Coffee of the Month
Morning Mist : March
Sale Price:$19.99 Original Price:$26.99
Cloudburst Blend : April Coffee of the Month
Cloudburst Blend : April
Springtime Twist : May Coffee of the Month
Springtime Twist : May
Cotton Candy : June Coffee of the Month
Cotton Candy : June
Summer Ice : July Coffee of the Month
Summer Ice : July
Sea Salt Breeze : August Coffee of the Month
Sea Salt Breeze : August
Easy Sunrise : September Coffee of the Month
Easy Sunrise : September
Black Magic : October Coffee of the Month
Black Magic : October
Harvest Roast : November
Holiday Spice 3.jpg
Holiday Spice : December
Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010 Coffee
Decaf Espresso Kyoto 2010
Decaf Espresso Milano 1906 Coffee
Decaf Espresso Milano 1906
Decaf Espresso Pacifico 1985 Coffee
Decaf Espresso Pacifico 1985
Decaf Espresso Trieste 1948 Coffee
Decaf Espresso Trieste 1948
Decaf Café Mokha Java 2000 Coffee Blend
Decaf Café Mokha Java 2000
Decaf Chicago Cup 1925 Coffee Blend
Decaf Chicago Cup 1925
Decaf Cowboy Coffee 1870 Coffee Blend
Decaf Cowboy Coffee 1870
Decaf Ile De France 1700 Coffee Blend
Decaf Ile De France 1700
Decaf New Orleans Roast 1803 Coffee Blend
Decaf New Orleans Roast 1803
Decaf San Francisco Foglifter 1950 Coffee Blend
Decaf San Francisco Foglifter 1950
Decaf WWI Roast 1917 Coffee Blend
Decaf WWI Roast 1917
 Coffee Spectrum By Roast Level Coffee Blends
By Roast Level
from $26.99
Your Dream Coffee Custom Coffee Blend
Your Dream Coffee
Your Dream Coffee Collection Custom Coffee Blends
Your Dream Coffee Collection
Any Coffee Made Better. Seriously. Try it. Coffee Match Coffee
Nostalgic Coffee- Matched from Your Past
Vote Coffee
Vote Coffee
March's Exploration Coffee Ecuador La Josefina Roster Gold Micro Lot Single Estate fresh roasted coffee
Exploration Coffee, 1/2 roast bag
ReNew Roast Coffee Blend
ReNew Roast
from $31.42
ReNew Roast Coffee Blend (Copy)
ReNew Roast 2.0
Cinnamon Hazelnut Flavored Coffee
Cinnamon Hazelnut
French Vanilla
Hazelnut Creme
Irish Crème
Jamaican me Crazy Flavored Coffee
Jamaican me Crazy®
Jingle Bell Java Flavored Coffee
Jingle Bell Java
Mexicali Creme Flavored Coffee
Mexicali Creme
Your Favorite Flavor
Half Roasts Coffees: Coffee of the Month, Exploration Coffee, Coffee Sampler Pack
1/2 Roasts
from $12.49
Lively Roasts Coffee Flight
Lively Roasts Coffee Flight
Rich Roasts Coffee Flight
Rich Roasts Coffee Flight
Bold Roasts Coffee Flight
Bold Roasts Coffee Flight
Egan's Blend
PoPs Coffees Jarvi Java and Delicious Destiny Coffee Blends
PoPs Coffees
from $28.99
Swedish Cafe Blend Coffee
Swedish Cafe Blend
Decaf Cinnamon Hazelnut Flavored Coffee
Decaf Cinnamon Hazelnut
Decaf French Vanilla Flavored Coffee
Decaf French Vanilla
Decaf Hazelnut Creme Flavored Coffee
Decaf Hazelnut Creme
Decaf Irish Crème Flavored Coffee
Decaf Irish Crème
Decaf Jamaican me Crazy Flavored Coffee
Decaf Jamaican me Crazy®
Decaf Jingle Bell Java Flavored Coffee
Decaf Jingle Bell Java
Decaf Mexicali Creme Flavored Coffee
Decaf Mexicali Creme
Decaf Your Favorite Flavor Flavored Coffee
Decaf Your Favorite Flavor
$32.87 Gift Card Gift Card
from $25.00
Coffee Gifts
Coffee Gifts
from $29.98
Welcome Coffee
Sale Price:$29.99 Original Price:$32.48
Coffee Contrast Pair
Coffee Contrast Pair
Sale Price:$54.98 Original Price:$65.78
We Mail Your Gifts Coffee Shipping
We mail YOUR gifts